Regency Manor

If you're looking for an assisted living facility in the Floresville, TX area, you may want to consider Regency Manor as a possible option. The facility encourages its residents to be as independent as they are capable of being while also offering them help whenever they need it. Services are important to factor in when deciding on an assisted living facility. Some of the services at Regency Manor are:
Regency Manor also offers amenities to its residents. The facility allows residents to schedule meetings with friends and/or family. In addition, the facility also includes family nights. These are nights during the week that are specifically set aside to allow residents to visit with their families. If residents ever feel like they need something to hold them over between meals, the facility offers snacks throughout the day. The facility has an activities program that residents can participate in. With this program, residents are able to pick and choose the types of activities that they would like to partake in. This allows them to set up an activities schedule that caters specifically to what they enjoy doing. |