Oakmont of Chino Hills

![]() Both general assisted living services and special services for Alzheimer's and other forms of Dementia are available to residents at Oakmont of Chino Hills. The facility is located in Chino Hills CA, and has a wide selection of services and amenities available, yet it also encourages independence from those residents. who are still physically capable of it A large number of services are provided to residents staying at Oakmont of Chino Hills. The staff at the facility is on-call 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Residents can receive help from the staff with day-to-day needs, including cleaning, dressing, and grooming. An emergency response system is in place that residents can use to call on the staff for help at any time in the event of an emergency. There are nurses on the staff and a doctor on-call to help with medical issues that the regular staff is unable to help with. Regular visits are paid to the facility by a podiatrist, occupational therapist, and physical therapist. Residents can receive help from the staff with managing their medications. Three meals are provided on a daily basis, with special meals available for those residents with specific dietary needs. Housekeeping, laundry, and linen services are provided on a regular basis. Escorts are provided for residents going to and from activities. Special care is available for residents suffering from diabetes and/or incontinence. Transportation is available for residents who want to head to offsite activities, and for residents who need to head to offsite appointments. Respite care is provided to residents who will only be staying at the facility on a short-term basis. Hospice care is provided to help make residents suffering from terminal illness as comfortable as possible. A large number of amenities are also available to residents staying at Oakmont of Chino Hills. Exercise programs are available for those residents still physically capable of taking part in them, as is an exercise room. The facility houses a library where residents can go to read and to check out books to take back to their apartments. Arts and crafts activities are available to those residents with a creative side. There are educational programs available to those residents still interested in learning new things. Cable television is available in each apartment, so residents are not stuck with just local channels. |